CONSCI Music Production featuring Sammi Jordan - Save Reset
Sammi Jordan is a 21-year-old singer songwriter and pop top-liner from Brooklyn New York. Sammi has been writing since the age of 9, and by the age of 16 she had already released a 12 song original album titled “Limitless”. She has performed and worked with notables of the music industry such as Grammy nominated Cheryl B. Engleheart, Bashiri Johnson, and J. Chris Griffin. Currently, she is a senior studying at Berklee College of Music whole working on releasing her second studio album of original works with producer and cowriter Travis Hiedleman, on track to release January 2021.
"Sometimes life is filled with second chances...and other times not so much. There might come a point when you realize you have a final shot, a last chance, and you know that you have to give that moment. Your everything, in love, in friendship or in life. You have to save that ~reset button~ for when you are ready to give it your last go, and to start over for the final time."
"Its like a video game, that's why you hear those video game sound from the concept of Super Mario Bros... We definitely drew inspiration from that. We love to work with this concept of combining the game worlds and our world together."
Maybe we can save reset
Take one more chance and reforget
Turn on and off and try again
Cause this game will never end
Never end
Cause I know it can't

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